Friday, October 28, 2011

Red Tape Goodness!


I have received my Certificate of Authority to Collect Sales Tax! I wanted to share it with all of you, but I realized that it contains confidential info so I have to settle for shooting the 'Important Info for Business Owners' pamphlet that came with it... laaaaame.

So of course I had to bling it up a bit!

Much better, right?!!

Annnnd, on to the creative bit! I said that I would keep everyone in the loop on my design process, so here we go!

These are all my accessory ideas I've been hoarding up all year, minus a few that are only Summer appropriate... about 8 collections, 3-5 pieces each. That row on the far left are the extra special goodies that will probably cost me an arm & a leg to make.

It was promptly whittled down to this...

5 collections, 3 pieces each. (Please pardon my embarrassing sketching skillzzz..)

And it may end up getting cut down to only 2-3 collections, due to budgeting issues. Not to worry though! Whatever I can't do right away, I'll add in later after I get a little more funding. (So excited!!)

And for the finale...... my first business purchase!!
I have named it Gizmo, but it's actually a brass gauge for measuring those pesky internet purchases that use only millimeters. (Sorry, no action shots yet..)

Next step is to break out my rusty Illustrator skills and get to rocking my logo!  Can we say procrastination??Then I can actually get my Facebook page set up and make friendssss! Yay!

Stay tuned for more exciting developments!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Before I Die...

Yay! On the day I registered my business name at the County Clerk's Office (can anyone say racing heart'!?) in Brooklyn, I also opened my shiny new business checking account! And across from my new bank I saw this chalkboard sign that everyone was writing on and I thought it was so appropriate for that moment since I was achieving one of my own dreams that very day!! So, of course, I had to whip out my phone and take a quick pic!

It really made me think about all the things I want to achieve or experiance or see happen before I die. Does anyone have a bucket-list of their own?! If so, what do you have to do to make that list happen?

Mine would include things like:

Seeing Defiant Designs featured in a magazine
Travel the World (sigh)
Run a Marathon
Eat lots of chocolate!! (oh wait- I already do that)
Spend more time with friends & family

hmm pretty short actually... Of course that's not including things like living on my own private island and baking beautiful cakes every day. Dare to dream...